The Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) is a WCRP (World Climate Research Programme) initiative to provide global coordination of regional climate downscaling for improved regional climate change adaptation and impact assessment. In CORDEX Phase I, the CORDEX South Asia and East Asia groups are preparing 50-km products for each area. Through the efforts of and requests from local scientists, CORDEX Southeast Asia was established in 2013. The 1st WCRP CORDEX science and training workshop in Southeast Asia will be held during 17-21 November 2014 in BMKG Training Center, Citeko Bogor, Indonesia, jointly supported and organized by the Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG), WCRP, APN (Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research), MAIRS (Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National University of Malaysia (UKM). The training workshop is aimed at young scientists who conduct research in regional climate downscaling and climate change impact assessment. Scientific papers on various topics listed below are solicated from scientists within and outside the region.
Workshop Topics:
1. Evaluation of climate simulations in Southeast Asia region from multiple climate models (seasonal and intra-seasonal variability, Typhoon and tropical cyclone, ENSO, drought, heat wave etc.).
2. Assessment of downscaling techniques and their products in Southeast Asia to understand uncertainties accompanying the regional climate projections and to determine the utility of climate model results.
3. Meeting the requests of end-users (hydrology, agriculture, water resources, land cover and ecosystem etc.) on downscaled products, with definition of data types, formats and resolutions, for vulnerability, impacts and adaptation analysis.
4. Training on RCMs modeling, data analysis and applications for young scientists from Southeast Asia.
Tentative Program:
Day 1: Training Workshop (Part 1)
Morning Session: Introduction to Dynamical Regional Climate Downscaling & Analysis, evaluation, interpretation and application of CORDEX model outputs (Lectures)
Afternoon Session: Introduction to Statistical Regional Climate Downscaling (Lectures)
Evening Session: Hands-on Training
Day 2: Training Workshop (Part 2)
Morning Session: Training on using CORDEX model outputs on hydrology and water resources models (Lectures)
Afternoon Session: Training on using CORDEX model outputs on Agriculture & Ecosystems)
Evening Session: Hands-on Training
Day 3: Scientific Workshop (Part 1)
Morning Session 1: Southeast Asia / Maritime Monsoon
Morning Session 2: Climate change & Intra-seasonal to inter-annual climate variability in the Southeast Asia
Afternoon Session 1: Diurnal cycle
Afternoon Session 2: Extremes
Evening Session: Hands-on Training Part 1 & 2
Day 4: Scientific Workshop Part 2
Morning Session 1: Dynamical Regional Climate Downscaling
Morning Session 2: Statistical Regional Climate Downscaling
Afternoon Session 1: Application of Regional Climate Downscaling Products in Hydrology & Water Resources
Afternoon Session 2: Application of Regional Climate Downscaling Products in Agriculture & Ecosystem
Evening Session: Hands-on Training Part 1 & 2
Important Dates:
Application and registration starts: 20 August 2014
Deadline for workshop application and registration: 1 Oct 2013
Confirmation of participation: 8 Oct 2013
Workshop: 17-20 Nov. 2014
Online application and registration
Selection Criteria:
The selection will be based on a range of criteria, including expertise, scientific, geographical
and gender balance, and constraints such as the budget and space limitation for the format of
the workshop and the venue. For the Training Workshop, priority is given to young scientists from the Southeast Asia region
For more info: