To support focused and science-based efforts towards developing innovative solutions to mitigate the risks and impacts of climate change and geo-hazards, the Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc. (The OML Center) is launching a Call for Proposals 2nd Quarter of this year. The Center will award research grants to support applied research/science and engineering-based initiatives on the following core areas: 1) Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Urban Areas and Critical Watersheds; 2) Advances in Climate Science (downscaling climate scenarios; sensors/instruments for climate prediction); 3) Strategies on Flood and Water Management; 4) Climate Change Impacts on Terrestrial, Aquatic and Urban Ecosystems; 5) Enhanced Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessments; 6) Integrated Ecosystem-Based Management; 7) Climate-Responsive Sectors (forestry, agriculture, health, infrastructure etc.); and 8) Capacity Building and Mainstreaming DRRM and CCA into Development Planning.
A research proposal has to meet minimum requirements to qualify for this Call. The proposal should focus in at least one of the core areas as mentioned above and must contribute in achieving the goals of the Center. An important eligibility requirement is the user buy-in. This means that the OML Center requires the proponent to clearly demonstrate buy-in by potential users of outputs such as decision-makers and/or local communities through such means as letters of support and reports of consultation meetings. Engaging the partners as early as the proposal design stage and encouraging them to participate in the process will ensure that benefits to target clients are optimized. Apart from generating science-based solutions and knowledge products, the OML Center encourages proponents to indicate how the results of the project activities will be mainstreamed into national, regional and community level development planning and policy-making.
More information will be posted in this site soon.