Republic Act 11106 declared FSL as “the official sign language of government in all transactions involving the Deaf”. It also mandated its use “in schools, broadcast media, and workplaces”.
Persons with disabilities are affected by climate impacts “in a distinct and more severe way compared to others,” as the UN Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights says.
Quietly creating change for two years now, Deaf persons have been working with their hearing colleagues on a pioneering project that would enable the Deaf community to be prepared and able to adapt to the risks and disasters that come with climate change.
OML) Center has recently conducted workshops with 2 local government units (LGUs) under its Capacity Development (CapDev) Series for the eCCET Helper and Upturn Tools.
The Stanford Sustainability Summit gathered 40 global changemakers from diverse sectors including entrepreneurship, innovative firms, non-government organizations, policymaking, and health and education.
How would we be talking about climate change if we didn’t have the words for concepts like “global warming”, “carbon footprint”, and “greenhouse effect”?