To build on the gains from the first workshop held in July, the Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation Inc. (OML Center) organized a second round of discussion for the project titled “Study on the Implications of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C to Plans and Programs of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)”. The event was held on 4 September 2019 at the Forest Management Bureau Conference Room, DENR Compound in Quezon City.
The second workshop gathered experts and project implementers from different offices, bureaus and attached agencies of DENR. It focused on the identification of climate-responsive and climate-resilient indicators to further improve the contribution of DENR’s priority programs to climate change adaptation and mitigation.
Director Elenida Basug of the DENR Climate Change Service welcomed the participants to the workshop. She emphasized the timeliness and importance of the event, especially with the need to ensure that the agency’s initiatives are more responsive to the challenges of a warming climate.
The project team presented the proposed indicators for DENR’s Ten Priority Programs namely: (1) Clean Air; (2) Clean Water; (3) Solid Waste Management, Enhanced National Greening; (4) Intensified Forest Protection and Anti-illegal Logging; (5) Enhanced Biodiversity Conservation; (6) Scaling-up of Coastal and Marine Ecosystem; (7) Land Administration and Management; (8) Manila Bay Clean-up; (9) Geo-hazard, Groundwater Assessment and Responsible Mining; and (10) Water Resources Management.
Participants were then divided into groups to further discuss and identify action points for the proposed indicators. The activity is an important step to validate each priority program’s proposed indicators and targets, as well as to draw out additional insights that can contribute to the full realization of the project’s objectives.
A final workshop will be held in October to present key findings and recommendations to DENR.
The four-month project is an initiative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in support of DENR’s efforts to address the issue of climate change in the Philippines.