Project Upturn

With the Philippines considered as one of the vulnerable countries to climate impacts, and judging by climate projections and learning from past experiences of climate impacts, there is an urgent need to assess, plan, develop, and employ lasting solutions to not only mitigate but adapt to the new challenges climate change brings.

Project Upturn aims to identify and assess existing solutions in terms of different parameters based on the country’s climate change-associated risks and their potential contribution to overall resilience. “Upturn” is defined as the point at which resilience is increasing and risk ranking is decreasing over a period of time.

Inspired by Project Drawdown, a resource of global climate change solutions, Project Upturn involves the creation of an inventory of local climate adaptation practices in the Philippines, the curation of this inventory on the Upturn Platform or website, and the development of Project Upturn Climate Change Risk and Resilience Indices, including a corresponding case study. 

Main features

  • Project Upturn provides a comprehensive list of climate solutions which could be an intervention, measure, action, activity, technology, or policy that addresses, lessens, or reduces climate-related risks and impacts, and builds the adaptive capacity or resilience of communities against climate change.
  • Solutions were collated from peer-reviewed literature and are vetted by experts. Each solution is also evaluated based on its effectiveness, technical feasibility, cost, flexibility, and acceptability.
  • Project Upturn has been integrated into the eCCET Helper, a decision support tool for planners who would like to be more climate-informed and evidence-based in their planning process.  
  • The platform allows the submission of climate solutions that have been tested, simulated, or done in the community.

Who can use the tool

While the main target users are the local government units in the Philippines, the platform can be used by a wide range of users such as national government agencies, entrepreneurs, academe, and anyone who intends to know and learn more about climate change solutions.

On-going development

The next phase of the project is the continuous addition of more adaptation solutions to the inventory, the enhancement of the website, and the implementation of the Climate Change Risk and Resilience Indices tool. OMLC continues to work with local government partners in the continuous development of the Upturn Tool. 

For more info, inquiries, suggestions, or intent to explore collaborations, please send an email to [email protected]

Visit Project Upturn here

Download the Project Upturn user guide
