Date posted: 11 August 2014
The Climate Change Commission and OML Center has released the Philippine Climate Change Assessment (PhilCCA) Working Group 1Report for review. This report was prepared by Filipino Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change authors and other leading scientists and experts in their field of study. Experts in the field of Climate Science are invited to provide comments until 11 September 2014.
Reminders for the Review Process:
- Download the latest version of the Report.
- Download the Reviewer Form and use this in compiling your comments. Send the completed Reviewer Form to [email protected] with the subject line PhilCCA External Review_YOURLASTNAME.
- Ensure that the evaluator’s information fields are completed before sending the Reviewer Form. We will not accept comments with lacking evaluators’ information (name, affiliation, position, contact number, email address). As we will use the same process and Reviewer Form for the other working group, kindly indicate in the evaluator form which working group report you evaluated and we would appreciate if you can also write your overall comments.
- For the main content, please note that comments per chapter are separated per sheet. We included line numbers at the left side of the report for your quick reference. Kindly indicate in the Reviewer Form the comment #, and which page # and line # you are referring the comments.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and we hope to receive your comments soon.
For more information about PhilCCA, you may check this links: