The private sector must navigate landscapes of climate change: Interpret the early signals of risk, build organizational leadership, and invest in effective solutions.
Bearing this in mind, the Private Markets for Climate Resilience (PMCR) project is the first major investment by Climate Finance Institutions to systematically evaluate the potential market for climate resilience solutions in the private sector. It was established by the PROADAPT program in the Inter-American Development Bank in collaboration with the Nordic Development Fund.
PMCR builds on six country assessments that ground innovation in real stakeholder communities. Namely, it centers on Colombia, South Africa, The Philippines, Nicaragua, Kenya, and Vietnam. Focusing on the transport and agriculture sectors, the project seeks to examine current best practices and investigate the opportunities in this emerging sector by identifying the leaders that will shape the emerging market, highlighting products, services, tools and innovative processes, creating an information platform with emerging opportunities for investment, and identifying companies that are candidates for investment.
The public and private sector are closely related in transport, which is likely to be the most expensive sector for achieving climate resilience. A variety of private sector models are exposed in transport planning, development and use. Roads are the backbone of all agricultural value chains, with climate change affecting business continuity for many small enterprises. Coastal infrastructure, including ports, presents a long-term dimension to our analysis, with the prospect of stranded assets affecting company balance sheets and risk ratings.
In agriculture, high value commodity chains include coffee, cacao, wine, and rice, while maize is a staple crop at-risk from current and future climate change. The mix of export commodity and significance in the national economy is complemented by the range of businesses involved and the types of resilience models for the private sector.
PMCR is led by the joint venture between the Global Climate Adaptation Partnership and Grupo Laera in partnership with the Oscar M. Lopez Center. For more information, please contact the Project Directors Tom Downing and Carmen Lacambra. For Philippine-specific information, please contact Perpi Tiongson.
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