The OML Center’s Scientific Director is a panelist at the 2nd Asian Business Conference

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The OML Center’s Scientific Director is a panelist at the 2nd Asian Business Conference

Dr. Rodel D. Lasco, Scientific Director of the OML Center was one of the panelists at the 2nd Asian Business Conference with theme 2015 Approaching: Priming for ASEAN Integration.

The Asian Business Conference (ABC) is a regional conference organized by the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in partnership with the Alumni Association of Asian Institute of Management (AAAIM). It was held on June 26-27, 2014 at Makati Shangri-La Hotel.

The 2nd ABC gathered over 500 registrants including 72 speakers and moderators from 15 countries and territory; 28 sponsors and media partners; AIM’s Board of Governors, Board of Trustees, faculties; and about 400 business and public leaders, policy makers and civil society organizations. Developments, opportunities and issues which are import to business and the people of the region were tackled in detail.

Dr. Lasco joined other experts in Track Session 5 on Building A Resilient ASEAN Economic Community. This session focused on the experiences of ASEAN countries in handling environmental and economic shocks and drew out lessons on effective disaster responses and resiliency measures from recent cases and good practices of private and public sectors, as well as the effects of these shocks on the region and its business sector.

For more information on this conference, and to view the plenary and track presentations and speeches you may visit the conference website: The final report and event photos will also be made available on the said site.
